ooh goodness your writing is just. so beautiful. you craft words with seemingly no effort, your thoughts feel like a lilting sunbeam dancing in and out of view and whirling through the wind. it feels like the soft but surprisingly clear melody of a song drifting in from someone else lost in the magic of it. it feels like a cool and clear stream tossing its laughter to the woods around it.

sorry that's so lengthy but like. hhh there are so many words i could put to it but i really can't capture the essence in your writing in a way that conveys its wonder. anyway all this is to say that I loved this post and now I'm gonna quote some of my favorite lines because. yeah.

"any day feels like a celebration when i wake up to sunshine"

"isn’t it crazy that our entire existence is powered on some hydrogen atoms smashing into each other? and how those atoms make sunrises and sunsets and auroras. isn’t that crazy? isn’t that wonderful?"

" i didn’t have much to do and the sun was hanging low in the sky, casting lazy sunbeams on the building opposite. there was something beautiful in the peace of that moment surrounded by chatter, sitting in comfortable silence & watching the sun light up the world in all shades of gold. it was almost like an out-of-body experience, the laughter of everyone around me as they had their own conversations being the only thing grounding me. i love moments like that, where i can just be peaceful and quiet in a world that does not hesitate to remind me that it can and will be loud and chaotic. " (sorry that whole paragraph is just so gorgeous I couldn't pick just one sentence)

anywho thank your for these words, i will treasure them.

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